Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Social Design Reaction ! ! !

Art 370
After Action Review

We just completed the first project and I learned so much. First everything in this world is designed by people, except for people and nature. Earth is precious and we need to help it. I also learned that through design we can make a difference in this world. I learned that anyone can make a change it all starts with one person. I learned that change can be fun and finally that recycling is important.
Any body can make a change it can be small or big but anyone can do it. Such as my project my simple contribution to recycling soda cans for my job, turned into changing the practice and policies of my job, and building, in regards to recycling. The simple conversations with people regarding their views on recycling was actually informative and fun. The sad realization that people are to lazy or don’t have time to recycle was sad. Also the upcycling shirt project with my mother was such fun and helped eliminate another object that would of sat in our landfills.
Technology can be a useful piece to spreading the word for any social issue out there. I learned through this class and project that blogging, a big trend now, helps keep people connected and can be very informative.
There are many things that I would have done differently for this project. I wished I had set up my blog earlier and people could have contributed to it more. I also wish that I had completed getting the building to all Green, but that takes time.
I do have some suggestions for the class. I think that for the end of the year we should have sale and an upclying project. I think we sould all bring in a shirt we already have and we screen print. The shirt to say something like “ Design Like You Give aDamn 2007” and have all our names and social issues on it. We should also have a sale, wearing our shirts and we sell all our things we designed. Like female image shirts, polar bear shirts and upcyled Towson shirt, and all the things we are going to design. I also think it would be interesting for maybe our last project to have 2 groups do a the same social issue but opposite views on the issue.
All in all I think that I succeeded in accomplishing a lot in this project in the short time we had to do it.

Social Design:
I researched this last minute before class so I will research more and sent it later but here is what I have so far check this out how cool:
I know that wikpedia is not the best source but I like the definition.
Social design has many definitions and the term is put to very different uses across the globe. Some definitions exist within the design world and refers to design in its traditional sense, meaning the shaping of products and services. Other definitions refer to social design as the creation of social reality; design of the social world. (Wikpedia)

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