Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Social Design Project Ideas ! ! ! CHECK THIS OUT!!!


I love this idea ... Please click on it, it's so cool. I love to crochet and it works perfectly into my project... I need to start collecting bags. I LOVE this.

I decided to choose recycling after shopping at a bunch of places one day and had a number of plastic bags and remembered the Big Ideas for a Small Planet and got to thinking ... well ... these bags will be here forever... Longer than I am alive ... First my idea was to give an alternative to plastic bags ... but then what do we do about the bags that are already out there? Yes we can recycle them, But recycling is more then just putting something in the recycling bin for a a company to melt down to other products. Recycling is reusing. Using this method of recycling we can reuse what we have and stop using new bags.


Jangrrrrl said...

good idea. A friend of mine was at the Etsy lab in Brooklyn where they mae some of the things they sell on line. She saw women ironing these plastic bags (my guess is a low setting on the iron; maybe buy one at goodwill to prevent ruining your good iron) to bond the layer together. I have noticed the graphics on the bag- is there a way to use the graphics or print over them? I have a supply catalog from Consolidated Plastics....they sell these bags to stores...may you can get info from them about the inks, etc. AND, I had another friend, Ken Gray, do a series of work using all of the catalogs that come to his house- he disturbed the ink with a solvent.....Have fun!

Jangrrrrl said...

One more idea.....It bugs me that I still use plastic bags for my produce like loose spinach...is there an alternative?

Jangrrrrl said...

Great job on design research via treehugger.

On the Create episode of Big Idea for a Small Planet....there is a woman making clothing from old casette tapes. If you all get together outside of class time to watch some of these...put this one near the top of the list.

Jangrrrrl said...

BTW, I want one for my collection!